A few years ago, my father and I traveled to Ireland and France. While in Paris, we saw the above painter at the Tuileries Gardens outside the Louvre painting the La Grande Roue. Since then, my father has passed away. I'm trying to find this paining as a reminder of that trip and as a way to honor the memory of my father.
Inspired by "A Painting Finds Its Way Home" on NPR's The Story where a long lost painting is found by a procrastinating student, I'm devising a plan to bring this painting home. First, there was an iReport on CNN requesting travel snapshots from Paris, so I submitted the above photo with a request for help. My iReport only got a few hits, so I'm now moving onto a larger scheme.
Similar to my efforts to obtain an interview with Robert Stephens, I plan to create a social media blitz to find this painting of the La Grande Roue and to document my progress. So far, I've brainstormed the following methods:
- Have a website and an e-mail attachment translated into French.
- E-mail and snail mail art dealers in Paris the website with attached flier for posting.
- Create ads for social networks in France.
- Find a way to advertise to Paris residents in the cheapest way possible.
- Find and e-mail groups and networks of painters (in whatever form that may be) in Paris.
- Possibly find a sponsor who's willing to contribute a small amount of money for me to travel to Paris once the painting is found and for me to purchase it.
However, I need help. I do not speak French. I need someone who can help me translate content for a website and flier. If you or someone you know speaks French, please contact me. I hope to get my website dedicated to this effort up and running soon.