The title of the piece "Your Life in 2020" found on does not match the spirit of the opening article "How to Create the Future." Besides one video that provides a very, very quick 3 step process for envisioning the future, all other content in the articles and infomercial style videos provide potential visions and not methods to create.
I give props to Frog Design for the "partnership" with Forbes. Frog is featured prominently in the videos as they should be. However, I'm afraid by their brevity and with lack of context the videos fall a bit flat. I see scenarios of use and a Homer Simpson persona, but I don't think this does the quality of work Frog does justice.
A couple other quick thoughts: John Maeda's piece has strong overtones of personalized production found in Chris Anderson's Wired article from a couple months back. I agree Craft will continue to make a comeback, but if more and more people are really going to make their own products to distribute they're going to need the right tools and expertise to use them.